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  • Maureen Bush

I Survived John Truby’s Class

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

I just spent three very long days sitting in a large theatre, listening, absorbing, struggling to understand, typing frantically on a laptop on the desk in front of me until my forearm was bruised by the edge of the computer, and then spending two days with it in my lap, typing nonstop until both hands hurt.

It was an intense three days on story structure in scriptwriting. No, I don’t write movie scripts, and I don’t intend to, but movies and novels are both about storytelling.

John Truby teaches how to put together a story structure (or to analyze an existing story), and this is what I came for. Structure structure structure.

I like the discovery that comes from letting a story go where it will, but I hate the structural mess I have to sort out later, so I shift back and forth between creative and analytical work. This will add to my analytical toolbox.

All I have to do is figure out how to apply this to novels, how to apply it to writing for kids, and how to rebalance my dance between the analytical and the creative.


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