Last week filled with family needs, a school visit, and three days in bed with a bug. When I emerged, I was cranky from too much time away from writing, twitchy and irritable. But a little editing time and a really good book cured it. I wasn’t feeling well enough to have a serious writing session, but I managed a little editing, and then lost myself in a new story – Cinder, by Marissa Meyer.
It’s a first novel, and blew me away with how accomplished it is. It’s YA science fiction, I guess, but with a fantasy feel (rather like Tamora Pierce with a sci-fi twist).
I would have loved this when I was a teenager, when I could only read about guys having adventures, because there were no kick-ass girls in the stories I read. And it inspired me to get back into my own stories, reminding me of how great stories are, and how much I love writing for kids.
Next week: Family day, a school visit, and a winter holiday in the mountains. And, somehow, I’ll fit writing in.